Phone: (831) 632-0482 FAX: (831) 633-5280

We take orders by phone, fax, or email (
If you need a special order or want particular photos, please contact us at

Recent and Upcoming Changes

Policy and Price Changes - Fuel Charge, $450 minimum
Please let us know if you have any suggestions for format changes.

Order Minimums

2", 4", and 6" sold as flats and you must order a full flat of the size (but not of each species).

2" - 64 to a flat - Ordering options: ¼ Flat (16) | ½ Flat (32) | Whole Flat (64)
4" - 15 to a flat - Ordering options: ⅓ Flat (5) | ⅔ Flat (10) | Whole Flat (15)
6" - 6 to a flat - Ordering options: ½ Flat (3) | Whole Flat (6)

All other sizes sold individually.
$100 minimum order total for plants - seasonal products do not count towards order minimum.


We have a delivery truck that services the Bay Area with a $450 minimum order.
Need the plants delivered to your clients home? Jobsite delivery fee is $50. Curbside pick-up only.
Delivery/fuel charge for San Mateo County, Santa Cruz County, Santa Clara County and San Francisco County and the greater Oakland area - $25.
Delivery/fuel charge for other locations in the greater Bay Area - $35.
Other pricing for special deliveries vary based on location and order size.

Call us for special delivery needs. (831) 632-0482

Common Carrier

No minimum. Plants are boxed and shrink wrapped on a pallet and generally arrive within 1-2 days.
Rates are typically $150-$175/pallet for delivery throughout California, with surcharges for rural destinations. Boxes are $3.25/each.

Preticketing / Barcoding

We sticker pots 4” and up including your pricing and logo.
We need 7 days for initial setup and after that, order as normal. No additional cost.

We will happily curate a retail-ready assortment for you if you specify the number of total flats in each size.
If you'd like to specify some varieties and have us curate the rest, we can deliver a retail-ready assortment.
When we curate an assortment, we may include premium priced plants unless you specify otherwise.


All plant stock are retail quality unless otherwise noted with an (L) for landscape quality.

Pricing 2 in 4 in 6 in 8 in 1 gal 2 gal 5 gal 10 gal 15 gal
Standard varieties $1.35 $2.58 $5.40 $15.45 $5.40 $15.45 $25.75 $70.00 $75.00
Premium Varieties (P) $1.55 $3.50 $6.75 $17.50 $6.75 $17.50 $29.50 $80.00 $85.00
Super Premium (S) $1.75 $4.50 $7.50 $17.50 $7.50 $17.50 $29.50 $80.00 $85.00

Collection: Wholesale Inventory
Print Availability Sheet

2", 4", and 6" sold as flats and you must order a full flat of the size (but not of each species).

2" - 64 to a flat - Ordering options: ¼ Flat (16) | ½ Flat (32) | Whole Flat (64)
4" - 15 to a flat - Ordering options: ⅓ Flat (5) | ⅔ Flat (10) | Whole Flat (15)
6" - 6 to a flat - Ordering options: ½ Flat (3) | Whole Flat (6)

All other sizes sold individually.
$100 minimum order total for plants - seasonal products do not count towards order minimum.


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