About Us
Succulent Gardens is a boutique nursery, dedicated to the growing of over 400 varieties of quality succulent plants, both popular and rare. Our wholesale customers include garden centers, landscapers, florists, corporate clients and creative entrepreneurs. We also are open to the public for retail sales.
The nursery covers over three acres and our drought-tolerant plants are displayed both in greenhouses and outside. Examples of the plants growing in containers and in the landscape may be viewed throughout the nursery. Sizes range from small 2" containers to large specimens.
Succulent Gardens promotes professionalism with succulent plants in a number of ways. Quality growing techniques are used to produce the optimum in color and form for each variety. Proper labeling, including the use of botanical names and data pertinent to successful growing is put on all plants that leave the nursery. Succulent Gardens supports educational seminars targeted at retailers, landscape professionals, and the public. Our expert staff also give educational talks to garden clubs and landscape professionals.
Media Coverage
Take a look at this San Francisco Chronicle article about Succulent Gardens!
Visit Us

Nursery Business Hours:
9:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday- 11am - 3pm

2133 Elkhorn Rd, Castroville, CA 95012
When You Arrive at the Nursery:
Enter our parking lot from Elkhorn Road, just past the corner of Elkhorn and Amaral Road. If our lot is full, additional parking is available across the street on the shoulder of Elkhorn Road. Please do not park on Amaral Road.
Display Gardens
Browse our display gardens for inspiration for your home landscape. We encourage our customers to walk around our gardens to get an idea of how succulents will look at maturity because they may look very different in a 4" nursery pot.
The CA Grown Experience Visits Succulent Gardens. from JSchwanke on Vimeo.