Giant Succulents on Display January 26, 2015There’s a new showcase at Succulent Gardens: a display bed along Amaral Road where we’ve planted a few dozen examples of large, mature plants. It’s a mix of tree aloes...
Aloe Spinosissima Brightens Elkhorn Road January 26, 2015There's a show of pink fireworks going on just outside the nursery these days. The carpet of Aloe spinossisima burst into bloom during the holidays, hoisting dozens of pink rockets...
We Hosted a Pollinating Party January 26, 2015In a large raised bed near the southeast corner of Succulent Gardens is a row of Aloe ferox plants, whose thick, toothed arms reach out in curls. We’re not raising...
Make a Happy New Year for Succulents Used in Holiday Decor January 26, 2015Now that the holidays are past, are you wondering what to do with the succulents in your mini-trees and other decorations? Here are a few tips: *Remove the succulents from...
A Very Wet December January 26, 2015Succulent Gardens was inundated with 6.5 inches of rain by a massive storm Dec. 11 and 12, the most rain that has fallen on us in one 24-hour stretch in...
Aeoniums in Bloom: Flowers Times Two January 26, 2015Thanks to their daisy-shaped foliage heads, Aeoniums are like year-round flowers in the garden. Then when they sprout their own blooms, they’re flowers squared. That’s what’s happening now in...